Earth view from space station
Earth view from space station

earth view from space station

If your specific city or town isn't listed, pick one that is fairly close. Several times a week, Mission Control at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX, determines sighting opportunities for over 6,700 locations worldwide. “When girls see pictures of ponytails, don’t you think it stirs something inside them that says, that could be ME up there!” Nyberg writes. Spot The Station will give you a list of upcoming space station sighting opportunities for your location. Nyberg has a special board for “Hair in Space” (which includes both bald pates and gravity defying hair,) hoping to inspire the younger generation of women to get interested in space exploration. She describes herself as “Aspiring quilter, crafter, artist” (perfect for the Pinterest crowd) in addition to being an astronaut by day, and said she hopes to do some crafting in space if she has any spare time. Nyberg is sharing her experiences via Twitter and also - I believe she is the first astronaut sharing on Pinterest. If a picture can be this beautiful, imagine what must look like in person. While many pictures of Earth from space show a bright view of our planet, this view of the world plunging into darkness provides a unique, not-often-seen view.

earth view from space station

This is just a gorgeous shot of our home planet from the International Space Station, shared by astronaut Karen Nyberg via Twitter.

Earth view from space station